Tuesday, 19 October 2010


Students' and Teachers' comments on Drama and EFL



Communicative Interaction

                                                                                                                           24 Real-Life Situations
 1. Students choose a situation from previouse drama lessons
 2. Students create their own Role-Play
 3. Students perform their Role-Play
 4. Students react to unexpected interaction from an anonymous particpiant


Improvement of students imrovisation skills

Sorry Guys, something went wrong with the audio edition of the videos. But still very enjoyable.
Use your imagination if you can't understand the audio :)

"So you are going to Mindo, right...?"
A tourist from Miami is visiting beautiful Ecuador asking for information...

"Did you have a surgery or something...?"
Two old friends are meeting in an exhibition gallery...

"Excuse me, I have a call...."
A nice girl and a cool guy are having a date. The girl wants to get married, but it seems that the guy is too busy...

"Let's play a game...."
Two guys are traveling by train. A disturbing phonecall gets on someone's nerves...but soon things calm down...

"He is a good boy...."
A school teacher is not very happy with the student's behaviour...so let's
see what the principle says...

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